Tolkien said, among a hobbit and a ring: “Not all who wander are lost“.

Everybody has its own direction
And he had all the good reasons to say so! Yes, it is true that a lot of people leave only to fly away, to escape from something which does not give us happiness or what we desire, but a lot, and maybe even more, leave and wander only for the pleasure to do so, for the love of discovery, for the adrenaline that rush in your veins going out of your comfort zone and safety and plunge in the unknown and uncertain.
Not all who wander are lost: some traveler are searchin for his inner self, some are trying to widen their own knowledge, some others are travel to widen their own point of view and see the world through the eyes of a child or a wise man. Actually, it often is a combination of all of that what push us to travel

Freedom is travel’s most exciting prize
Even more, travelling is different for each one of us: for someone a book is more than enough, a movie or a tale, some other need to walk for miles and kilometers, some other, instead, fly with planes and fast trains which shorten distances. Then, there are the ones who travel just steps from home, experimenting without going far from where they start, fisically at least, but mentally so far away.
It is written nowhere how, where, when and what does it mean to travel.
In my little weird world, to travel is to discover nature, to see new lands, both close and far away, it does not really matter, neglecting the big crowded cities or at least visiting them unconventionally, out of the standard rules of tourism. Climbing new peaks and walking through new flatlands, new horizons, sleeping under star never seen before, just give me a tent and a backpack and I will travel the whole world.

Backpack, tent, mountain and animals, nothing more
I launch this new section to share all the rest that is my life – and in Attilio’s one – and that I think could be interesting: books and movies reviews, little curiosities out of our usual articles, stories of ordinary life here and there all over the world. All of that in a fresh, easy and fun way: instead of offering you a coffee, as a real italian should do, I offer you some words.
And since I’m not english by birth, excuse me for my not perfect english, I’m more than happy to be corrected!
See you soon!
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